GIS Mapping Services

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a way of using computers to visualize data that is tied to a place.

GIS can incorporate not just static information about roads or rivers, but also dynamic or digital information from spreadsheets, satellites or drones.

The end result of using GIS software is a map or 3D rendering that gives information about any kind of data one might want to link to a certain area—data about people, times, or physical details like elevation.

Using GIS mapping to incorporate large amounts of data into a map can reveal patterns and a story one might not have otherwise seen, such as voting habits, the tendency of a neighborhood or an ecosystem to encounter bad weather, traffic patterns at different times of the day, or the type of insurance claims made in an area.

Man listening with hand on chin on GIS Mapping Services page

GIS Mapping Services

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a way of using computers to visualize data that is tied to a place.

GIS can incorporate not just static information about roads or rivers, but also dynamic or digital information from spreadsheets, satellites or drones.

The end result of using GIS software is a map or 3D rendering that gives information about any kind of data one might want to link to a certain area—data about people, times, or physical details like elevation.

Using GIS mapping to incorporate large amounts of data into a map can reveal patterns and a story one might not have otherwise seen, such as voting habits, the tendency of a neighborhood or an ecosystem to encounter bad weather, traffic patterns at different times of the day, or the type of insurance claims made in an area.

Table with map, coffee, stationery, and magnifying glass

Our GIS Mapping Service Approach

We can provide for the association of your data with places on a map or in 3D scenes.

We can utilize GIS tools to illuminate geographic patterns for industries such as transportation, insurance, marketing, environmental science, and engineering among many, many others.

We use tools such as ArcGIS, MapInfo, and GeoMedia to enable you to conduct spatial analyses, visualize connections between locations and data, connect data about current, dynamic conditions such as weather or traffic to your maps, and share maps between patrons and organizations or workers in the field and in the office.

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